Who should the umbrella give?

One day, the frog, the tortoise, the duckling and the ladybug go for a walk in the park together. Suddenly, the sky was clouded and the heavy rain crazy black sky drop from the clouds, like the collapse of. The animals can only go on to walk in the rain.

The small animals passed the kitten's house, and the kitten saw it and rushed into the house to take out a cute umbrella and said to the frog: "This reverse umbrella is loaned to you!" It's my favourite umbrella, is so beautiful and very durable; Catch! The frog said: "No, I am not afraid of the rain." The kitten said to the little turtle. : "Little turtle, lend this umbrella to you!" The little turtle said: "No, my shell is my best umbrella." At this time the duckling came over and the kitten said to the duckling: "Duckling, This umbrella is loaned to you!" The duckling said: "No, thank you. I am a swimmer; The ladybug is most afraid of rain, you can lend the umbrella to the beautiful ladybug !" So the kitten gave the umbrella to the cute ladybug. The ladybug said in a row: "Thank you, I think i need it."



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